American Annals of the Deaf


American Annals of the Deaf
The American Annals of the Deaf is a professional journal dedicated to quality in education and related services for deaf or hard of hearing children and adults. First published in 1847, the Annals is the oldest and most widely read English-language journal dealing with deafness and the education of deaf persons. The Annals is the official organ of the Council of American Instructors of the Deaf (CAID) and of the Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf (CEASD) and is directed and administered by a Joint Annals Administrative Committee made up of members of the executive committees of both of these organizations. For more than 170 years the Annals has focused primarily on the education of deaf students and on information for professionals associated with the educational development of these students. At the same time, the Annals historically has extended its range of topics beyond education and incorporated the broad interests of educators in the general welfare of deaf children and adults to represent the diversity of its professional readership. Among the topics covered in its pages are: Communication methods and strategies, Language development, Mainstreaming and residential schools, Parent-child relationships, and Teacher training and teaching skills. Each year the Annals publishes four literary issues (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) and an annual reference issue of schools and programs in the United States and Canada for students who are deaf or hard of hearing and their teachers. The reference issue has become widely known for its comprehensive listings, which include names, addresses, telephone numbers, and other information for hundreds of schools and programs nationwide. The reference issue also provides demographic, audiological, and educational data about students who are deaf or hard of hearing and the schools they attend.
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